Yen LamMs. Lam is the founder of SGP-Invest LLC, a boutique investment firm focused on providing capital and advisory services. The company provides investment capital and capital raising advice to high growth infrastructure development companies as well as strategic consulting to larger corporations and their Board of Directors. Ms. Lam currently serves on the Board of Directors and has been a founding shareholder for portfolio investments that include Cleopatra Resources, a natural gas fueling infrastructure company, Altex Ltd, a Canadian-based energy transportation provider and BipSync, a developer of investment management research software infrastructure.

Ms. Lam was previously a founding shareholder and served on the Board of Directors of Flex LNG, a publicly-traded, Norwegian-based floating LNG developer. Prior to founding SGP-Invest LLC, Ms. Lam managed a portfolio of public and private equity and credit securities primarily focused on global energy and infrastructure companies for Seneca Capital – an event-driven multi-strategy investment fund based in New York. Before joining Seneca, Ms. Lam was a Vice President at Credit Suisse and published equity research for electric utilities. Previously, Ms. Lam served as an Investment Banker providing capital raising services as well as strategic advice to energy companies for Credit Suisse First Boston as well as Lehman Brothers. Ms. Lam began his career in project finance focused on the electric power sector for Chase Securities, Inc.

Ms. Lam earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics with a Concentration in Finance from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Ms. Lam currently serves on the Board of Overseers for the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania.