Our Strategy

Offshore Expertise

Core to our success is the skill, expertise and dedication of our self-motivated team. Our leadership team has 178 years of cumulative experience acquiring, exploring, developing, exploiting and operating oil and gas resources around the world. Along with a highly seasoned and trained staff, we are well positioned to excel in the Gulf of Alaska.

High-Quality Assets

We have assembled a portfolio of proven, high-quality oil and gas resources in the Gulf of Alaska, generating current production and cash flow along with significant future upside potential.

Financial Strength

Our high-margin production stream, operational efficiency and responsible capital structure ensure we can weather the cyclic nature of the energy business.

Our Strategy

Our business strategy is simple – optimize our existing operations, diversify our portfolio (through partnering, and acquiring select, high quality GOM oil & gas assets), sustain a healthy R/P, and generate value-creating investment opportunities with attractive returns; our ultimate objective is to sustainably, profitably grow production and cash flow.

The primary benefits of our strategy include:

Focus on known liquid resource basins to mitigate geologic risk and remain leveraged to oil.

Partner with industry leaders to diversify operational and financial risk.

Maintain a strong and liquid balance sheet to weather the ups and downs of the cyclical energy business.


Combined Years
of Experience


Gross Acres


(August 1, 2014)


MMBOE  of 1P Reserves
(January 1, 2014)